26. Oktober 2011

Presentation and Gala night of the „Skilehrerinnen Kalender 2012“ by Voelkl

On Monday I drove to Vienna to attend the presentation and gala night of the „Skilehrerinnen Kalender 2012“. It was a big night with lots of models, media, shows and a big fashion show of the next years collection of Voelkl Performance Wear. The star of the night was OF COURSE Julia Mancuso with a bright smile and lots of patience for her fans. I had quite a good time with the Voelkl People, my friends and calendar models Anna and Lydia and all the other funny people. One day party in Vienna with Voelkl to start the season, not bad! If you wanna check out the hotties in the calendar check on: http://www.skilehrerinnen.at/
Check out the pics from the big gala night...
The calendar with Julia Mancuso 
Me, gettin ready for the gala night.
Anna&Michi representing Voelkl Race Wear
Anna&Lydia looking hot with the Voelkl Bridge 
Anna killin it pretty much
We and weird ice princess
We're Julia Fans

SKIING MAG - NEXT ISSUE or what my mission was at Nine Queens

Thanks to Christoph Schöch for this awesome picture at Nine Queens he took on the Lifestyle Day with the Team of Eva Patscheider, Emma Dahlstrom and Maria Bagge. Great event, great riders, great action shots... aaand great lifestyle shots!!!
Looking forward to next year at the Nine Queens Invitational 2012!!!

10. Oktober 2011

3. Völkl Young Blood Girls Camp auf der Zugspitze vom 06.-08.01.2012Kids Day with the Sportschule Puch up Zugspitze

Hey alle zusammen,

die Anmeldung zum 3. Young Blood Girls Camp 2012 hat begonnen, meldet Euch schnell an, bevor alle Plätz vergeben sind. Mehr Infos auf: http://de.youngbloodcamps.com/

Wenn Ihr sehen wollt wie es letztes Jahr ablief und wieviel Spaß die Mädls hatten, dann schaut Euch doch einfach mal den Clip an:

Bis bald,

Eure Caja

6. Oktober 2011

Finally.... "A Journey to India"....watch it!

After quite a time we had to wait, now finally Lena and my "A Journey to India" - Clip is ready to be relaeased!! With breathtaking pictures Felix Urbauer helped us to bring our experiences home. Watch it, the trailer speaks for itself.

See you soon,