19. Februar 2011

What a first day....(-;

When we woke up after our first night, our housekeeper already heated up the wood stove again. Lena and me put on our ski clothes really fast and went outside. The atmosphere was stunning. Bluebird, warm morning sun and the glitter of fresh snow, awesome! After a quick breakfast, we left to start our first mission: HELISKIING! None of us has done it before and we were kinda excited about skiing some nowhere in the Kashmiri Mountains close to Pakistan. It was indescribable, the view, the snow and everything else. I wanted to keep on flying and skiing for 2 more runs, but a bad storm came in and we had to stop and go fly back to the station.
What an experience, what a first day, I want more!!!
So much snow and bluebird! 
Lena&me stoked and excited!
The Heli Crew.
Kashmiri Monkey.